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frequently asked questions

If your question has not been answered please contact us.

What is the Business Murray Bridge?
  • The MBBA origins lie with three Murray Bridge business groups – Murray Bridge Business and Tourism (MBBT), the Murraylands Enterprise Estate (MEE) and the Bridge Street/Central Traders, that have now come together as one united force for the Murraylands Business Community.

  • The MBBA will source and supply opportunities, be proactive to work together with business to improve our region to be able to contribute leadership in the economic and social development of Murray Bridge.

  • Our purpose is to advocate, support and provide an effective communication channel between business and a range of stakeholders including local government creating a strong voice for our business community.

How did the MBBA start?
  • In 2016 at a business forum, discussion was facilitated on the topic of business collaboration and combining the efforts of existing groups, and a survey of business sentiment in this area was undertaken. 

  • Support for a combined business group was very strong and the results of the survey painted a picture of what local businesses thought a combined group should aim to do, with a strong response relating to a relationship and voice with Council, promotion and marketing, and development of an external business profile.

  • A definite wish for fellowship, a network of mutual support, building capacity through education, events to celebrate success and build community pride were all captured throughout the responses. From there the Murray Bridge Business Alliance was established.

Who manages Business Murray Bridge?

A intirum board was formed to get Business Murray Bridge developed, with the support of Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland and the Rural City of Murray Bridge. Th. 

How can I join the MBBA email list?

Sign up to our database by registering on here. You don’t need to be a MBBA member to join our database.  By signing up you will receive regular updates about the events and functions coming up in our region.

Can I still receive the benefits of the MBBA without becoming a member?

The MBBA represents all businesses in our community not only our members. All members of the business community have access to the MBBA events and services.  


The MBBA member benefits are clearly outlined in the Join Us section of our website and include:

  • A listing in our Business Directory

  • 50% off membership with Business SA

  • Free entry for you and your employees to MBBA Networking Events

  • Discounted ticket price for the MBBA Business Breakfast   

These benefits are an extra for businesses who wish to join as a member and are only offered under a paid membership.

Does the MBBA offer Business Development services?

The MBBA offers many services and supports for its members as well as having a skilled committee of local business representatives. If you are seeking advice to further develop your current business or to start a new business the MBBA is a connection point to help you find the right services for your needs easily.

What is the council's role within the MBBA?

The MBBA is fully supported by the Rural City of Murray Bridge Council and is represented on the MBBA committee in an observer capacity. The Rural City of Murray Bridge is committed to consult with business through the MBBA. If there is any matter in which the council needs to contact the local business community as a collective this will be done through the MBBA.   

Can the MBBA contact the local council on my behalf?

The MBBA will act as a conduit between business and council. If you or your business has a matter which needs to be addressed through the Rural City of Murray Bridge the MBBA can connect you with the right person within the council and assist as a collective with your enquiry.

How can I add my business to the MBBA Business Directory?

The MBBA Business Directory represents all businesses in the Murraylands community. If your business does not appear in the directory please fill out the contact us form with your business details and we will add it to the list.


The level of detail in the business directory differs according to your membership with the MBBA. Only MBBA members will be offered space to display detailed contact information and pictures but a generic listing is open to everyone.

What events are MBBA involved in an how can I register?

The MBBA is host to a number of events open to MBBA members and non-members. You can access the events as a member at a discounted price or as a non-member and pay the full ticket price. All events are advertised through the MBBA website on our events page,  social media and distributed through our email list. All events require registration through our ticketing website, SA Tickets.   

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